1361 CONCESSION ROAD 2, Ramara Township, Ontario L0K2B0 is For Sale and has a listing price of 795,000. The property is located in the Ramara neighbourhood. It's been on the website for 128 Days.
If you want to accumulate some land, this is the property. This property is 199 acres. It abuts an active licensed quarry, as well. It is an area DESIGNATED AS AGGREGATE POTENTIAL. There are 2 major quarries on nearby properties. The property is approximately half bush and half open pasture. There is a dug watering hole for pasturing cattle. The soil is estimated to be 10-15 feet of gravel. Beneath the gravel there is estimated to be many feet of limestone. The last 6/10K of Con Rd 2, leading to the property, is not assumed by the township of Ramara. To obtain a building permit the road would need to be upgraded to township standards(very expensive). Also, the last 6/10 K of road is not plowed in the winter. The property is most suited for a quarry operation. (id:43137)
List Date | MLS ID | List Price | Status | End Date | Closed Price |
10/26/2024 | 40669236 | $795,000 | For Sale | - | - |
10/29/2021 | 40182185 | $749,000 | For Sale | - | - |